Henry has a Masters of Architecture from the University of Texas Austin. He is an outspoken critic of the profession's continued obsession with "art-object" buildings. During his time at UTSoA he has consistently argued for reform of both pedagogy and practice so that architecture may have at its heart a true social and ecological mission.
- Owner of KIKUZU. At KIKUZU we believe in buildings. We believe that a human future on this planet depends upon them, and we are committed to making better buildings available to more people. We are bringing a vertically integrated model to market which will reduce costs and improve quality. KIKUZU designs will be partially manufactured off-site and delivered in a series of timely packages, which will sidestep a number of inefficiencies associated with normal light-construction techniques. We call them “Kit-Buildings.” KIKUZU is committed, at the same time, to developing long-term relationships with the forestry industry in order to sustainably harvest wood products that will sequester as much carbon as possible in our buildings. KIKUZU.com is currently under development. Previously: - Graduate Research Assistant to Larry Speck, F.A.I.A. - Intern at Wiss, Janney, Elstner - Field Engineer at Crowell Builders - Licensed General Contractor & Carpenter in Seattle, Washington Education: - M.Arch University of Texas at Austin, 2020 - Whitman College: B.A. Phil. Religion, magna cum laude (2009) - Vassar College (2004 - 2006) - Japanese Language, Seattle, Osaka (2010 - 2016) Contact: [email protected] HENRY_ROSE_RESUME.PDF HENRY_ROSE_CV.PDF |